Keeping Your Cocoons Clean
Sand and other abrasive debris can be damaging to the lens surface. Whenever your glasses get dirty, it’s important to clean them as soon as you can. Leaving debris on the lens surface can contribute to reduced lens clarity if not properly removed in a timely manner. When not using your Cocoons, storing them in the case provided will help keep them clean as well.
We recommend always using a micro-fiber cloth to clean your Cocoons. Do not use paper towels, tissue paper, or clothing, as they may grind dust and fibers into the lens surface, creating minute scratches that over time will cloud or haze the lens, diminishing visual acuity. Each pair of Cocoons fitovers includes a complimentary micro-fiber cleaning cloth. We recommend keeping it in your case so it’s always accessible. We also offer a jumbo-sized cleaning towel. These towels make cleaning the glasses much easier and are one of our most popular optional accessories. It is important to periodically wash your micro-fiber cleaning cloth. All of official Cocoons cloths and towels are machine washable.